IAEA TC Project – Mutagenesis
Antigua and Barbuda was recently represented by Mr. Gregory Bailey, the Director of Agriculture at a Technical Cooperation Scientific Visit on Mutation Breeding (Mutagenesis) using invitro/laboratory techniques and micro propagation (plantlets). This event was held at the Scientific and Research Council (SRC) in Kingston, Jamaica
This highly technical and scientific exercise was organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in collaboration with the Jamaican Government within the framework of the IAEA TC Project RLA508, “Developing Human Resource and Building Capacity of Member States in the Application of Nuclear Technology to Agriculture” was the mandate of this project.
Some potential benefits of this component of the project include:
1. Plant variety (genetics)characterization through associate institutions;
2. Training in tissue issue culture propagation (mutation breeding)
3. Long term plant material storage
4. Incorporation of nuclear technology as a component of Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
The IAEA has invested significantly the SRC which is a statutory organization, with the intentions to support the rest of the region and encourages individuals, groups, associations, governments and NGOs with technical and scientific support at a nominal cost.
Mutagenesis is not a new technique and is an important tool to improve crops. Additionally, it must be noted that this mutation process has not got any regulatory restrictions as Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs).