The Reinforcement of a Bendals Pond
The Department of Agriculture within the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Barbuda Affairs was approached by Mr. Shakier Nelson to give technical assistance in the fortifying of one of the largest ponds located in the eastern section of Bendals Village. Over the years, the western wall of the pond has been unable to retain water in the pond because of a very weak structure. Due to the lack of retention, water has repeatedly flood the surrounding areas and has caused some damages.
Based on investigation into this concern, it was decided that an inner wall made from clay should be constructed to retrofit the pond’s perimeter. “What we are doing is removing the top soil and some of the subsoils until we can extract the clay, this would be mixed with water like mixing mortar and used to construct an inner wall, a wall that is free of obstacles which could cause any weak point in it. The material will be taken from the eastern section for this procedure and the excavating will increase the size and capacity of the pond”, said Alvin Christian, Soil, Water & Heavy Equipment Consultant for the Department of Agriculture.
The pond which occupies almost two acres of land on a five acre of plot allocated to Mr. Shakier Nelson by the Extension Division. The entire plot is under a preparatory stage and would be used for a mixed farm but in addition of plowing a portion the land for crop production the main and first objective on the priority list is the reinforcement of the western wall of the existing pond. “I am a farmer, and it is my intention to have a mixed farm on the plot in Bendals. I will be planting short-term crops like lettuce, okra, tomato, corn and fruit trees. I have pigs and goats and will also be investing in some broilers and layers”, Shakier Nelson said.
This project is not only very costly, but it requires a lot of physical, heavy equipment and technical work. The Department of Agriculture has every intention of seeing this project through fruition and commend Mr. Nelson for his investment into the sector and in the fight of “Food Security”.