The Weaver Farmers – Good role models

Situated in the parish of St. Paul is a farm on seven acres of land owned and operated by the Weaver Family of Liberty Village.  After the passing of their father fourteen years ago, the farm is presently operated by four siblings Mitsey, Annell, Elvis Weaver and Beverly Weaver-Henry.  Mitsey Weaver manages the daily operations of their farm and the main crops grown there are a variety of Mango and Citrus, Soursop, Guava, Pawpaw and Avocado.  The only livestock on the farm are two pigs. “We use to raise pigs but that became overwhelming and it was decided that we would only grow fruits and vegetables”, Mitsey said.

One of the constraints experienced on this farm like almost every other farm on the island is the shortage or the inconsistency of the water.  Therefore, since “Water” is a crucial necessity for Agriculture, the Weavers made a wise but expensive decision to invest in building a second pond on their farm. “We had the pond dug without proper guidance, after the removal of the claylike material the other material at the bottom did not keep the water but instead all the water leaked out”, said Mitsey.  They were advised to seek the assistance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Barbuda Affairs (MAFBA) and in doing so got the technical assistance from Mr. Alvin Christian, (MAFBA Heavy Equipment, Soil & Water Consultant) who recommended that the pond should be lined.  The Weavers dug deep into their coffers and with the assistance of Wayne Gardner of Lincoln’s Hydroponics Farm purchased and imported the liner to the specifications of the pond.

On Thursday 19th many hands were on the job and the pond was lined.  “We have another pond on the farm which also needs similar work and once we are able this matter will be addressed”, Mitsey added.   Mr. Gregory Bailey, Director of Agriculture made a site visit and was pleased with the progress.  Additionally, he was impressed by the Weavers’ commitment to the industry, Food Security and the further improvement of their farm.   It is hoped that they will be seen as good role models to other farmers and the public alike.