Beekeeping Registration now available

Existing and Prospective New Beekeepers are urged to hand in their registration forms. $110 will cover the registration fee and membership dues for a year.

If you have any further questions or you are interested in becoming a member, contact the Ministry of Agriculture at 462-1007.











Please fill out the form and return it to:

Antigua Bee Cooperative-Belmont Estate

St. John’s-Antigua W.I




Application for Beekeeper Membership Registration-Honey Bees


• Print legibly in blue or black ink

• Answer all questions and indicate not applicable if appropriate. Any falsification of answers may result in denial of the registration

• Include a one-time $50 registration fee (cheque payable to The Antigua Beekeepers Cooperative)

• Please complete the form and return to The Beekeepers Cooperative- Belmont Estate, St. Johns, Antigua

NOTE: An annual membership fee of $60.00 will be paid at the 15th January of the beginning of each year.

**(membership fees are subject to change)



Beekeeper(s) Name: ____________________________________________________________________________

Company Name: ______________________________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________

City/Town: _______________________________Parish: _____________________________________________

Phone: Business: __________________________ Residence: __________________________________________

Cellular: _________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________________

*Contact information is necessary to alert the beekeeper regarding disease and pest issues and to arrange for honeybee health inspections. Beekeepers may also request an inspection if they have a disease or pest concern.

Farming District: _______________________________

Communities where colonies are located (if different than the farming district):__________________________


Total number of colonies: _____________________

Years in Beekeeping (mark x in the space provided)

+ 20 years   10-20 years   5-10 years   < 5 years


Signature: __________________________________________                                Date: ______________________


Client ID #: _____________________                    Registration Number: ________________________


Approve by: _____________________________   Date: _____________________________________


After you have been registered for the first time, you will receive a registration renewal form every year. When you receive this form, make any necessary changes, and return it to the Department.