Pre-Easter Seedlings Distribution


The Extension Division within the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Barbuda

Affairs on Tuesday held its pre-Easter Seedlings Distribution.  According to Efuru

Elihu, Backyard Gardening Facilitator in the ministry, approximately 15,900

seedlings were made available for backyard gardeners and interested newcomers.


Propagated for distribution were 4,116 Green Chive, 3,234 Celery, 2,744

Sweet Pepper, 4,704 Water Melon and 1,078 Cantaloupe seedlings.  Between the

hours of 9.a.m to 2:00p.m. approximately 300 persons were happy recipients of

the tokens of this initiative.   It is hoped that exercises such as this will be an

encouragement for growers to expand their gardens, for newcomers to start their

gardens and help in the ongoing quest of “Food Security”.


These seedlings were distributed at the Ministry’s Headquarters, the Extension

Division and at Greencastle Agricultural Station.