The Ministry of Education Agricultural Science Department Easter Market Day & Farm to Table Event
Despite the severe drought and adverse effects of the climatic conditions we are experiencing, coupled with living through a pandemic Thursday’s event proved that hard work and determination can afford us tremendous success. Congratulations to the organizers, the teachers and students for the two tiers event which was a first of its kind. Although two years late in the making, it was a success and very well supported. “The event surpassed my expectations, even though we had a very small time to plan and execute. It was one of the events on the activity calendar but due to the Pandemic it was put on hold. However, after the country fully reopened we took the opportunity to make it happen” said Nickey Barnard, Agricultural Science Officer in the Ministry of Education. She further added that besides showcasing the practical aspect of the subject the other intention of the event was to generate more interest in Agricultural Science among the students.
The students, teachers and farm attendants of ten schools (nine government and one private) attributed to the success of this event. These institutions were:
- All Saints Secondary
- Clare Hall Secondary
- Glanville Secondary
- Newfield Primary
- Ottos Comprehensive
- Pares Secondary
- Princess Margaret
- Seventh Day Adventist
- Sir Novelle Richards Secondary
- Mary’s Secondary
The components of Easter Market Day & Farm to Table Event displayed sectors of Agriculture such as Crop Production, Animal Husbandry, and Agro-Processing. On site were six main stalls:
- Vegetables & Seedling stall displayed were fresh produce such as pumpkin, sweet corn, cherry tomato, cucumber, lettuce, okra, seasoning pepper, spinach, sieve & thyme. Seedings available were beet, cucumber, season pepper, sweet pepper, tomato, watermelon and organic fertilizer.
- Agro-process products on display were Wines and Liquors, Soaps, Flours, Powders, Jams, Jellies, and Ashum. Visitors could have purchased flours made from cassava, pumpkin, Plantain or ginger, turmeric, bay leaf, plantain powders. The types of Wines on sale were made from Dragon fruit, Blueberry, Ginger, Sorrel, and Pineapple Cream Liquor.
- Livestock rabbits, ducks and chickens both alive or frozen and eggs were on display and ready for purchase.
- Sweet & Pumpkin treats such as breads, cakes, cookies, sugar cakes, tamarind balls, jams, jellies and ashum.
- Backyard Garden had produced such as celery, herbs for teas and seasonings, celery, cassava, pawpaw, coconut, and sweet potato.
- Pumpkin presented products such as pumpkin infused butter, punch, sea moss and other recipes.
Additional activities held at the event included eggs cleaning and grading, seed planting and sweet potato eating competitions.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Barbuda Affairs congratulates the Agricultural Science Department within the Ministry of Education & Sports, the Schools, the students, the teachers and farm attendants for a job very well done and encourages the general public to continued support these Agricultural initiatives and events in the fight of food security and safety.