International Day of Forests
In 2012, the United Nations General Assembly claimed March 21 as International Day of Forests, which raises awareness and celebrates all types of forest. Countries were encouraged to undertake efforts to organize activities involving forest and trees such as tree planting exercises.
The Collaborative Partnership on Forest (CPF), which is a voluntary inter-agency partnership of fifteen (15) international organizations, institutions and secretariats, chooses the theme for each year. The vision of the CPF is that by 2030 all types of forest landscapes are sustainably managed, with their multiple values being fully recognized through the potential of forest and their goods and services is fully unlocked.
This year’s theme is Forest and Sustainable Production and Consumption. When forests are managed sustainably wood is a renewable resource, and to mark this year’s celebration, the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Barbuda Affairs, Hon. Samantha Marshall, Permanent Secretary, Mr. Colin O’Keiffe and Director, Mr. Gregory Bailey joined the Agriculture Forestry Unit at the Body Pond’s Rehabilitation Site to take part in a Tree Planting Exercise.
They planted two (2) species; White Cedar (Tabebuia Hetrophylla) which is among the world’s most valuable timber trees and used in Antigua to make boats, furniture, and Coconut (Cocos Nucifera) which is valuable as every part of the plant can be used for some purpose and is the icon of the tropical landscape.
Both species were chosen for their socio-economic significance to Antiguans and Barbudans and the sustainable production and consumption practices now being executed on our island.