Measures Farmers should take ahead of a pending storm/hurricane.
18th September 2019
Measures Farmers should take ahead of a pending storm/hurricane.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Barbuda Affairs is advising members of the Farming Community that all the necessary measures should be taken to secure life and property in light of the pending storm/hurricane.
Acting Director of Agriculture, Mr. Gregory Bailey noted that in particular, all Pesticides and Fertilizers should be kept in a cool, dry place and elevated 12 inches or more above the ground.
In addition, dry farm inputs such as seeds, granulated fertilizers and wettable powders, should be stored above liquids in the case of spillage.
Farmers with seedlings who are preparing for planting should secure them until after the impending danger.
Farming equipment such as spray pumps, irrigation materials etc should also be housed in a secure facility to prevent them from becoming missiles.
As the storm gets closer and based on the information coming from the Meteorological Office, some economic consideration should also be taken, for example, the removal of produce from the field for storage.
Consideration should also be given to the pruning of large trees in an effort to prevent severe damage.
Farm Drains and water ways should be cleared to minimize flooding.
It is also important, according to Bailey to conduct an on-farm inventory so that a more reliable assessment can be done following the storm.
In the meantime, All Bee Keepers should also take preventative measures to minimize losses during the storm.
Bee Hives should be weighted down with a heavy material and elevated in low lying areas that are prone to flooding.
Persons wishing to gather more information can call 764-1260, 764-1268 or 462-1007/8/9.