Participants of COL Programme benefit from Seed Distribution Exercise

22nd May

2019 Participants of COL Programme benefit from Seed Distribution Exercise


Senior Extension Officer in the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Barbuda Affairs, Mr. Owolabi Elabanjo said that a number of participants of the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) Programme are now in possession of key resources to strengthen food security and livelihood development.

Earlier this week, some 40 farmers from the Bolans group, the Bethesda group and the Extension Division’s group were presented with a variety of seeds which included tomatoes, sweet peppers cucumbers, herbs and melons.

The Lifelong Learning Programme for Farmers is an initiative aimed at establishing continuous learning among farming communities, particularly women, leading to improved knowledge, empowerment and sustainable livelihood.

Elabanjo said that he is proud of the progress made regarding the programme so far.

The senior extension officer reiterated the point that the Agriculture sector should be treated with the importance it deserves and not as a last resort for those lacking skills or have lost their jobs.

The Common Wealth of Learning Livelihood Development Programme also exposes farmers to a number of practical skills that would make them more efficient in the field.